Sunday, April 29, 2007

Relations And Successful Living

It is commonly accepted that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results to come up. If we apply this insanity idea to our every day life style, I would say that insanity is going to the same places, joining the same people and expecting a great Lyfe Style change.

Relations are important.

To change our Life Style we have to make changes. Lots of them. However, there is one change that is absolutely mandatory. We have to change the people we get along with. We have to join the people who achieved the Life Style we dream about.

Internet tools, Internet resources, Internet Marketing knowledge are very important. However, besides learning what we have to do to become healthy wealthy and wise we have to join people who live a Life Style of well being and constant achievement. We have to learn how to achieve a healthy, wealthy and wise style of living.

To be healthy, we must join and do what healthy people do. To be wealthy we must be with wealthy people and see what they are doing. Then go and do as they do.

There is a book which is sold around the world about becoming rich. That is Think and grow rich. When Napoleon Hill started writing his master piece, he was not rich at all. What he did was interviewing the wealthy people of his time and then work on their ideas until becoming rich himself.

We have two minds: The conscious and the unconscious mind. The latest is quicker, and so much powerful than the conscious mind. The unconscious mind work on autopilot. When we read, write, drive our car, cook and million other tasks, we do not think. We act automatically. Of course we used our conscious mind to learn those same tasks. Once we use our abilities on autopilot we are more efficient and we get results much faster.

We have to re program our thought and our actions to think and act as rich people think and act. It is important to act on our thoughts and act to make automatic our thinking about wealth and prosperity.

We must relate with rich and wealthy people to learn from them, to learn and understand their habits about money and prosperity. We must relate with those who dream about a rich and wealthy life style. From the rich and wealthy people we learn how to become one of them. From the dreamers we get the opportunities for us to lead them into the land of achievement and they help us prove that becoming rich, prosperous and wealthy is a task that is really rewarding and promising of a great and better Universe.

From the successful we learn that there is a better way, a better life style. From the wise men we learn the techniques to be used to automate our thoughts. We have to learn from the philosophers and mental programmers. We have to find the pieces to build our puzzle and have the Life Style we and our families deserve.

Let´s begin to automate our way to dreamland. Then, let´s automate the way for us to lead others into achieving their dreams and then, let´s join all successful people into building the Universe we dream about.

Relations is the name of the game. We have to relate with those who know what to do. We have to relate with those who know how to do. We have to relate with those who have done what we want to achieve. Also, we have to relate to those who are desperate and willing to become real success stories for themselves and society.The name of the game is: RELATIONS.

We need to systematize our way to great achievement, in such a way that we get results for us and others. We have to build a system that works and becomes automatic in our everyday living. We have to automate our habits in such a way that we get the results we want over and over again and a system to teach others to build over and over real success stories.

We have to automate our habits of getting results, of being healthy, wealthy, wise and prosperous. We have to automate our habits of feeling calm, happy, healthy, wealthy and prosperous.

Our mind really works, both consciously and on autopilot. Our relations are important to learn from them how they achieved great results and they are also very valuable to show us the living stories that took them from no where to dream land.

Experience is great, provided we are talking about successful experiences. Techniques are great provided we can use them to get what we want out of life and show the way to those dreamers with enough courage to separate from what they are, to get what they dream about.

Breathing is great provided we breath healthy clean, pure air. Relations are great provided they help us to become the success stories we want to be and to teach others what to do and how to do to achieve their own dreams.

Let us automate our thoughts and behaviors into habits that are empowering and success builders. Let us make a habit of accepting only the thoughts and habits that build confidence. Confidence in ourselves and confidence in a world full of opportunities and great people ready to help us become the human beings we want to be and enjoy the Life Style we strive for and deserve.

We have to use the treasure of our conscious mind to build healthy constructive relations. We have to use the treasure of our subconscious mind to select those great men and women who achieved awesome results and are eager to help us achieve our own dreams.

Whatever we want: health. Love, prosperity and abundance, we deserve them. And we deserve to become acquainted and share with those healthy, wealthy and prosperous beings who are real examples of a better universe and are eager to help us find the whats and hows of becoming the real success stories they became.

Relations are great, provided we relate to people with great achievements. Relations are great provided we relate with people who are eager to build the thoughts and habits needed to become real success stories.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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