Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas: Time For Joy

Christmas: Tradition Of Love And Sharing

Are you ready for the Christmas holidays? With love, when relations, gifting and sharing are the feelings and joy of the season? Christmas is the time for joy, love and relations.

God bless you and give you the best Christmas ever. Let love, health, prosperity and abundance come to you in an ever increasing flow of blessings for you and those you love and care for.

Make this the best Holiday season ever. The Christmas miracle season, brings the movement of money which creates wealth, hope, love and friendship for everybody. Chocolate, flowers, books, toys, all the way up to diamonds, luxury cars, the cruise of your life, are welcome during this holiday season and ever.

From the gospel of Luke we can experience the wonder of the original Christmas story. Amongst the shepherds living out in the fields an Angel of the Lord appeared to them and the Glory of the Lord shone around them, to bring the world great news of joy for all the people.

The Angel announced the birth of a savior in the town of David. Christ the Lord has been born. Celebrating Christmas on December 25th is a high point in the year. Since November, it is very difficult to forget that Christmas is coming. Colored lights, Christmas trees, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus are seen all over letting us know that Christmas is coming.

Santa Claus has become the human face of Christmas. Children are taught Santa will bring them toys and presents the night before Christmas. Christmas is a time of magic and excitement for children and adults alike. Santa is based on a real person, St Nicholas, a Christian leader from the 4th century AD.

In the American colonies, Catholics, Anglicans, Dutch reformed and Lutherans approved Christmas celebrations, which began to adopt a joyful and often boisterous tradition from pagan cultures.

Charles Dikens, one of the giants of English literature gave life to Christmas by writing “A Christmas Carol”. Charles Dikens wrote from his own experience with his enormous warmth of feelings. Dickens was particularly successful at evoking the sights, sounds and smells of London. Charles Dikens novel “A Christmas Carol” popularized Christmas as a family event.

For various early cultures, December 25 was a significant date: Babilonians believed the son of the queen of heaven was born on December 25. Egyptians celebrated the birth of the fertility goddess Isis on December 25. Arabs believed that the moon was born on December 24.

Christmas is a great opportunity for us to treat friends, relatives and loved ones with great recipes. It is an awesome experience to share gourmet food, Christmas sugar cookies, Christmas berry mocha fudge, Christmas sour cream potato salad, chocolate brownie cookies, oyster stew, cranberry punch, traditional baked ham, Christmas bread and more.

Merry Christmas to you. Joy to the world, the Lord is coming. “Joy to the world with truth and grace”. Christmas is the most relevant celebration for western countries. Let´s have a Merry Christmas with friends, family and loved ones who join us around a table full of delicious food and drinks and with our hearts full of love, friendship and kindness.

As the ancient Magi or Wise men who came to visit Jesus: Melchior king of Arabia, who brought a casquet of gold, Caspar, king of Tarsus who brought myrrh in a gold mounted horn, and Balthasar king of Ethiopia, who brought frankincense in a censer, lets share abundance and prosperity with those we love and care for.

From the ancient Romans we received the decorated tree. During their Saturnalia winter festivals, they decorated trees with small pieces of metal, in honor of Saturn the God of agriculture. By the year 1531, Christmas trees were sold in Alsace, which at the time was a part of Germany. From Paradise, we received the apple tree, decorated with apples as a symbol of Adam and Eve feast on December 24.
Mark Carr brought trees to New York streets in 1851 and opened the first retail Christmas trees lot in the United States. Franklin Pierce was the first president to introduce Christmas trees in the White House.

All the traditions we received from all over the world and different branches of our ancestors, are here for us to enjoy during Christmas holidays with all those we love and care for. Let´s join around the Christmas tree, to share and enjoy the prosperity and abundance of wealth, health and love, as blessings from heaven for being persistent and for working to build a better Universe for us and all the marvelous humans who are doing everything possible for every citizen of the world to enjoy a better life style.

God bless you and all around you. Let Christmas be the best holiday ever and the beginning of higher and better achievements.

Jose Damaso Ramon
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Is Trust The Way To A Better World?

golden rule, emotions, What Is Trust?

Trust is based on the principle of reciprocity which binds society together. In value exchange trust occurs when we receive something, based on the “perception” or “feeling” that we are receiving what we expect.

From the emotional stand point we feel trust, when we expose our vulnerabilities to others, believing they will not take advantage of our openness. There are some emotions we associate to trust: companionship, friendship, love, agreement, relaxation, comfort.

“Trust means being able to predict what other people will do and what situations will occur. If we can surround ourselves with people we trust, then we can create a safe present and an even better future”.

The “golden rule”, “Do unto others as YOU would have them do unto YOU” is a simple and great formula for creating trust. Trust is a mental and emotional state which can not be measured directly. Barbara Mitzal points out that trust, makes social life predictable and creates a sense of community and makes it easier for people to work together.

Individuals and organizations must build trust to become successful. We build trust by doing something kind, helpful or useful for somebody else everyday. We must have a helpful attitude: To succeed as individuals and organizations we must find ways to help others solve their problems or give them something they need.

Whether as individuals or organizations it is better to be “green and growing” and embrace a lifelong learning experience to become more competent every day.

We must make decisions, whenever we decide we move forward, and by deciding we learn to take better and better decisions to help others and ourselves. Even bad decisions are better than indecision, because the later paralize and endanger the general purpose of going forward and becoming better individuals and organizations.

For the achievers of this world mistakes are learning lessons. We should be ready to trust our guts and our intuition. There should be a match between what we talk and do, which is called congruence, which is crucial to build trust and maintain it.

Our integrity should be unquestionable. The Us Military Academy, West Point code of honor reads: “I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do”. Successful living means doing the harder right than following the easier wrong.

Communication is trust building. Great leaders communicate often and well. When a child is told to do something, they frequently ask ¿why? Adults are no different. We want to know why we have to do something or why we go in one direction or another. We should state our intent clearly and repeat it in such a way we are not misunderstood.

It is emotionally intelligent to take full responsibility for what we do and where we are, without excuses or rationalization. Charles Swindoll said: “10% of success in life is what happens to YOU; 90% is what you do with what happens to YOU.

It is emotionally intelligent to admit when we do not know something, and follow the expert guide of those who are more knowledgeable in areas we are not very competent. Great leaders empower others by delegating without abdicating the final responsibility.

Trust is FAITH and the enemy is doubt. Let´s fill our mind with thoughts of faith, confidence, hope, charity and positive experiences. We must build that shared belief that we can depend on each other to achieve a common purpose.

Life is about building relationships which requires the building of trust. We are used to have the expectancy that we can rely in the words of others. Trust and relationships are built through integrity and consistency in our relationships.

To be successful with our teams we need mutual trust, shared values, an inspiring vision, complimentary skills and lead people by placing trust in people.

To build trust and good relationships we have to learn to listen. A conversation is a relationship and effective communication is paramount to building relationships and influencing people.

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. And the most important and closest relationship is the relationship with ourselves. We have to coach, love and care for us for what we are and for what we want to become.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving is The Gratitude Holiday

Thanksgiving: The Abundance And Prosperity Holiday

As per George Bush proclamation of the 2007 thanksgiving day, “Since the first National Day of Thanksgiving was proclaimed by President George Washington, Americans have come together to offer thanks for our many blessings. We recall the great privilege it is to live in a land where freedom is the right of every person and where all can pursue their dreams.”

November 22 of 2007 is Thanksgiving day in the United States, to commemorate the “Pilgrims” celebration in 1621 for the good harvest after years of sorrow, starvation and privations. The first Thanksgiving day after the American Revolution was November 26 of 1789, and was proclaimed by then president George Washington.

Thanksgiving Day, became a national annual Holiday, after 1861 when Abraham Lincoln proclaimed one and in 1941 Congress passed a joint resolution decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the wildfowl served in the Pilgrims celebration.

The Thanksgiving dinner is to be presented as it is a Hollywood set with all the decor, fancy dinnerware and trimmings, to make everyone feel what the Pilgrims did at their first Thanksgiving day.

Like me, probably you have a beautiful family, a prosperous business, good health, lot of marvellous humans who are our friends and relatives and received a lot of blessings for which you feel you have a great Life Style which deserve to be happy and gratefull for. It is a great time to count our blessings and remind ourselves of how much we have to be thankfull for.

Thanksgiving day is a great opportunity to make social networking really social. No matter where we are, let us join in a world wide Champagne tasting, to celebrate how great our relations are and how important they are for our development and wellbeing.

Giving thanks for the things we have received at the end of the harvest season, it is a noble way to show gratitude for what we are and what we have achieved.

Gratitude is more than an emotion. It is the substance of a heart ready to give appreciation and involves a pleasant feeling for a favor or benefit from another one.

In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated the second Monday in October. Martin Frobisher held a formal ceremony in the year 1578, to give thanks for surviving his long journey to find a northern passage to the Orient. American refugees loyal to Great Britain after the American revolution, went to Canada and took the customs and practices of Thanksgiving to Canada.

On January 31, 1957 the Canadian Parliament proclaimed “A day of General thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed ….. to be observed on the second Monday in October”.

Of all the Thanksgiving symbols, the turkey has become the most well known. National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation dates back to the Lincoln administration. However, the current ceremony dates to 1947, when the first National Thanksgiving turkey was presented to president Harry Truman.

There are quite a few dishes to be served for Thanksgiving dinner: appetizers like , Apple bacon appetizer quiches, Cranberry pistachio pate, Creamie whipped Brie with cranberry sauce, Dried cherry cream cheese spread, Elegant crabmeat balls, Holiday cranberry spread , Party shrimps, Spinach shrimp dip. Soups like, Acorn squash soup, Hubbard squash soups, and more.

For the main courses to enjoy are, Crockpot stuffed turkey breast, Caramel apple salad, Festive cranberry salad, Praline sweet potatoes, The ultimate pumpkin pie, Pumpkin cheese cake, Roast turkey with apple –cider glaze and more.

Let´s enjoy Thanksgiving day and celebrate all blessings we received during this harvest time. This is family time. Let´s enjoy each other and give thanks for the blessings we received.

Thanksgiving is the GRATITUDE Holiday. Gratitude is extremely important for unleashing to yourself the prosperity, abundance, health and happiness you want and deserve.

From Cicero to Buddha, philosophers and spiritual leaders have celebrated Gratitude as a great power and most effective to achieve happiness, which is what we want.

Gratitude gives us the opportunity to live in a positive mental state, which focus is on the things that brings YOU joy. Thanksgiving is the time to enjoy family and friends and for giving thanks for all the blessings we have and for having those marvellous beings we love and care for.

Jose Damaso Ramon
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Halloween An Ancient Tradition

Halloween is besides tradition, the opportunity for love, renew relations with friends, relatives and for romance too. People love corny costumes and Halloween is a great time to use our creativity and enjoy witches, pirates, cowboys and fairies at many Halloween parties.

As per Hope, halloween treat is a glance of what halloween is about: “The fun we can have on a Halloween night: Tasty, sweet treats to nibble and bite shared candy kisses, creating the spark, pumpkin carvings glowing the dark witch from the west wickedly winks, inviting you over to share in drinks, stirring a cauldron the nectar sweet love is brewing a hallowing treat.”

For children, there are many characters they can relate to and feel comfortable with, at any party. Imagination has an awesome opportunity to give your common costumes flare and flavor for you to become the showstopper when you join the party,

It is the opportunity for a Teddy Bear to tell a love poem to some special one in your life. It is the opportunity to renew and give new depth to our relationships. If we have not done any thing special, it might be great to think in a romantic love book or a poem. Or let us tell some one special how we miss him or her.
Halloween is great for kids. However, there are many adults who love Halloween candy, costumes, tricks and treats. It is the time to dress kids up in their fantasies.

Halloween decorations are mostly orange and black, associated to pumpkins and darkness. Folks believes concerning supernatural beings and the souls of the dead, are the base for most halloween festivals.

Trick or treating is a Halloween tradition in which costumed children go from house to house soliciting candy and other treats from their neighbors.

Ancient peoples of Europe celebrated a holiday in the late autumm to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. Samhain was one of these holidays which influenced later Halloween costumes. Samhaim was observed by the ancient Celts, a tribal people who inhabited western and central Europe in the first milenium B.C.

As per Druidism, Celtic pagan religion, the spirits of those died in the preceding year roamed the earth on Samhain evening, and the Celts sought to ward off these spirits with offerings of food and drink. As the Roman Empire conquered most of Celtic lands, they adapted and absorbed some Celtic traditions in their own pagan and Catholic traditions.

Supernatural beings associated with Halloween fixed in the popular imagination during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissanse. British colonist and Irish immigrants helped to popularize Halloween traditions throughout the United States in the mid-19th century.

Are you feeling creative this Halloween? Do you want to spice your Halloween this year? In fact, there are so many accessories, wigs, hats, masks and more. You choose the best for your taste, you add your distinctive touch and there you are, ready to show that uniqueness of yours which will make a real Halloween change for you, your friends and relatives.

Join that awesome world of ghosts, supernatural beings from far away in history and renew that misterius tradition hidden deep in our souls, to bloom in forms and colors to share with kids, friends and loved ones.

Are you ready to become the winner of Halloween prize of the year? Do you want your friends and co-workers laugh out loud? Just get the best comical costumes and be ready to have your friends rolling on the isles.

Halloween is also a great opportunity for you to let the sex kitten in you out to play. It is fun to play dress up, and there are lots of costumes to show off your sexy side. When selecting a sexy costume it is very important to find the one that fits your personality.

Star wars themed costumes are really popular. Georges Lucas has brought six different episodes of the Star Wars films to his adoring fans. So it is time to show your preferences and enjoy the Stars Wars costumes featuring your favorite characters.

Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Chewbecca and many more are popular costumes will make happy stars Wars fans. For those pure heavenly souls Angels are a real hit at Hallowing parties and other special events.

And if you want to inspire fear and horror, Hallowing is the opportunity to show that scary mask. One of the most scary masks is the skull mask. Demon skulls and skeletons are also very popular. Every taste and personality is sure to find the appropriate costume for Halloween.
Join the party. Tradition, modern, heavenly and scary costumes will show your sense of humor and personality. Enjoy the Halloween and recreate old gone traditions and new modern characters which are waiting for you to have a great Halloween.

Recreate and renew feelings of love, friendship and romance. Join friends, relatives and loved ones with the purpose of having great Hallowing moments.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Total Quality Management

Edward Deming World Networker

Living in Caracas, Venezuela is an awesome experience. There, I lived The Total Quality Management experience. In the late 70s quite a few managers were trying to find their way into higher realms of achievement for themselves and their companies.

I, myself, after working as a management executive for Intercontinental Hotels Corporation, I was building an independent business which would help me to become my own boss and achieve financial independence.

As I decided to build my business around the book industry, I found managers and CEOs of the largest companies in Venezuela asking for ideas on how to become more efficient and more productive. That curiosity brought me to Edward Deming´s Total Quality Management.

Even though the idea of social networking as we know now from the internet business world, was not used, I started to use it to build my business around a need of high ranking managers who were eager to learn new techniques to take their companies to higher levels of financial and productivity achievement.

I started by talking to production managers and general managers, about Edward Deming´s “Total Quality Management”. These business and industrial leaders and myself, learned about Deming´s success in Japan and how his theories were considered as one of the main causes for Japan´s economy to go from the ashes of war, into the new economic leader of the world.

Suddenly I found myself building my business network, talking and sharing Deming´s principles, and becoming an “authority” in total quality management at the same time.

From my hotel business activities, I did have good relations with Ford executives from the Venezuelan branch, who became very important for me at the time, as Ford Motor was the leading american company which became a quality example both for management and production quality, by using Deming´s principles.

That experience and my relations with Ford people became very important for me as I used them to promote Deming´s ideas which were of great help to build my business.

Networking is the trend in Internet marketing. Social networking sites are very successful, because they cater to all those of us who want to share our ideas, videos, photos and experience with the world.

Our knowledge and experience are being sought after in the marketplace, and we could help to build a better universe for all and great relationships for us. As we share our expertise, we learn from those who have abilities we don´t have and we build our social networks at the same time.

The quality revolution around the world is closely linked to Deming ideas, teachings, and practice. I did not meet him in person, but he was very important for me, for my networks of customers and friends and for my business.

Besides being the intelligence which built Total Quality Management in theory and practice, he was a great network builder. Deming was a great genius. Even before the Internet boom, he built a large network of industry and management leaders around the world who were his clients, readers and even fans.

Deming was a great american statistician, college professor, author, lecturer, consultant and a great help for my book business.

Deming help to build a better world is not over. The Deming Institute aims to foster the Deming system of knowledge to advance commerce, prosperity and peace.

Since june 16 1950, Edward Deming began his quest to help Japan to change the image of “made in Japan” as cheap and flimsy, to become a world leader in creativity, quality and outstanding performance.

Japan´s greatest guru was not even japanese, but american. He was awarded the second Order of the Sacred Treasure by former Emperor Hiroito.

Even though Edward Deming was born in the USA, he is a great example of the universal citizen and a world leader who still is helping us to build a better world.

Whether we are talking about the oil industry, auto industry or any other commercial or manufacturing activity, we might sense the presence of a genius who found a need for better products, developed a system and managerial techniques for the world to enjoy better products and better industrial social relations.

For those of us who are building our networks using the cyberspace Edward Deming is a great example as he built a worldwide network when the internet was not the great technological advantage we have now.

Jose Damaso Ramon
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Love, Sex And Romance

Love is a great and powerful emotion which moves and bring to life the best in every one of us. Love is an awesome power to healthy, creative and harmonious relations.

Sex, is one of the most pleasurable and necessary activities for humans. Sex is kind of magical, complex and mysterious passion and even the simplest of sexual acts enjoyed together might enhance everybody´s life.

Romance is referred as a kind of attachment, fascination and enthusiasm for something or someone. Romantic love refers to special moments and situations within interpersonal relationships. Romance emphasizes emotions of love, intimacy, compassion, appreciation.

Romance is associated with a kind of longing and the experience of the beloved as some kind of special, idealized, highly necessary for ones happiness.

Love, sex and romance are themes frequently used by writers, composers and singers to “talk” about their feelings and their way to bring to the surface the feelings of millions whose poetry is not their primary quality.

Strictly For Kicks or SFK for short, is a group whose CD “Love, Sex and Romance” created a lot of requests for air play in the radio stations of countries as the United States, Canada, Belgium, France and many more. These boys will rock your socks off from the first until the last track.

For willing partners who care for each other, love, sex and romance answers include pleasure, relaxation, closeness, tenderness and love.

Human senses are aroused by love, sex and romance to hights we call ecstasy. Blood roaring through lovers veins and passion reflected in their breath are ways to measure the hight of their sensuous approaches.

Besides being the largest organ of the human body, the skin is the primary organ of love, sex and romance encounters. Authors refer to skin as smooth, tender, silky, creamy, alabaster, ivory, burning, inflamed, pink flush of arousal, satin-smooth, and quite some.

There are awesome bare, beautifully formed body shapes, which are used by authors, musicians singers and many more artist as inspiration to air their feelings of love, sex and romance. Romance novels are full of expressions referring to the skin and its forms as the tender source of the hightening of senses related to love, sex and romance.

Skin and body shapes have a definite agenda when involved in the love play described in the romance novels.

Feelings of love, sex and romance are described as shaky, sure, gentle, savage, generous. Relationships are to be recharged frequently to improve areas which are not as wonderful as they should be.

Communication is very important to build and strengtheng feelings of love, sex and romance. In fact, words are great for expressing our feelings and share them with those we care for. Sweet, calm listening is great for a successful communication. Besides words, emotions are present and we should learn to keep our hearts and minds tuned to our special beings, in fact, with every body we get in contact with.

Love, sex and romance are the nourishing forces which motivate and make great relationships.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Have you heard about wiki?

Have YOU heard about wiki?

What is wiki?

As per Aurelius Tjin, Wiki is The simplest online database that could possibly work.

Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly.

Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.

Like many simple concepts, "open editing" has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.

21st century has come with new ways to see and use the fastest changing world of interacting on the Internet. The old static way is leaving pace to new interactive websites, and it is very difficult to imagine life without the Internet.

After the Internet bubble burst in 2000 there are many changes and nowadays it is not possible just upload a fancy website with some data and information and expect people to come your way. Even online encyclopedias are interactive.

As you can´t see other users, it implies the need of reciprocal interaction. Nowadays, interaction means the stuff people use to interact with one another.

The new web was born when websites started to separate form from content. The new web is about user generated content. New information can be identified and picked by other readers instantly.

Information is sorted and organized at such speed that it creates unparalleled growth and giving birth to unknown levels of information access. There is a new generation of web-based communities of social networking sites that facilitates collaboration and sharing between users.

The web is becoming more important than ever. There are exciting new applications. The term web 2.0 which is used to refer the new web has more than 80 millions citations on Search Bigdaddy.

Trust is paramount to wiki, as it relies on the assumption that readers have good intentions. As everybody can contribute, trust is the most important thing to wiki, as trusting people and processes is a must for wiki.

Wikipedia is a great example of the new web, as it is the most popular encyclopedia in the world today and its content can be written, edited and modified by users.

Participation among users is encouraged as form and content are separated to facilitate greater participation. A wiki is a website that allows visitors to add, remove and edit content.

Popular websites as MySpace, myLot, Blogger, YouToBe,, Digg, are only examples of sharing, participation and social networking websites.

Advertising and promotion are allowed in websites like MySpace. This feature is very important for musicians, singers, actors, actresses and new entrepreneurs who are using this website to promote themselves.

The new web brought us blogging which revolutionized the way people interact and share information. According to Technorati, blogging has made the online community explode, with readers and blog publishers giving birth to at least two blogs created every second.

Nothing can be more dynamic than this world community of bloggers who are loosely linked, sharing views and information.

Blogging interactivity and other attributes make blogs a cornerstone of the new web. Instant communication is an enhancement of blogs which allows subscribers to have information and updates by using RSS technology which changed the blog dynamics completely.

We are not alone in the blogging world. We can post comments on the blog posts of other bloggers and build relationships.

Internet marketers are using the web 2.0 to increase traffic to merchant accounts and boost sales and profit. It is important to market online, to know what the fastest growing areas in the Internet and how to use them to help build our business.

Web 2.0 knowledge is very important for us to be and stay ahead of the crowd of marketers who are not using this great new web technology..

Social Networking sites are great contribution of wiki to relations and Marketing. Also, blogs, social bookmarking, video sites, podcasting, are taken by many as contributions of web 2.0 to the Internet´s development.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Relations And Successful Living

It is commonly accepted that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results to come up. If we apply this insanity idea to our every day life style, I would say that insanity is going to the same places, joining the same people and expecting a great Lyfe Style change.

Relations are important.

To change our Life Style we have to make changes. Lots of them. However, there is one change that is absolutely mandatory. We have to change the people we get along with. We have to join the people who achieved the Life Style we dream about.

Internet tools, Internet resources, Internet Marketing knowledge are very important. However, besides learning what we have to do to become healthy wealthy and wise we have to join people who live a Life Style of well being and constant achievement. We have to learn how to achieve a healthy, wealthy and wise style of living.

To be healthy, we must join and do what healthy people do. To be wealthy we must be with wealthy people and see what they are doing. Then go and do as they do.

There is a book which is sold around the world about becoming rich. That is Think and grow rich. When Napoleon Hill started writing his master piece, he was not rich at all. What he did was interviewing the wealthy people of his time and then work on their ideas until becoming rich himself.

We have two minds: The conscious and the unconscious mind. The latest is quicker, and so much powerful than the conscious mind. The unconscious mind work on autopilot. When we read, write, drive our car, cook and million other tasks, we do not think. We act automatically. Of course we used our conscious mind to learn those same tasks. Once we use our abilities on autopilot we are more efficient and we get results much faster.

We have to re program our thought and our actions to think and act as rich people think and act. It is important to act on our thoughts and act to make automatic our thinking about wealth and prosperity.

We must relate with rich and wealthy people to learn from them, to learn and understand their habits about money and prosperity. We must relate with those who dream about a rich and wealthy life style. From the rich and wealthy people we learn how to become one of them. From the dreamers we get the opportunities for us to lead them into the land of achievement and they help us prove that becoming rich, prosperous and wealthy is a task that is really rewarding and promising of a great and better Universe.

From the successful we learn that there is a better way, a better life style. From the wise men we learn the techniques to be used to automate our thoughts. We have to learn from the philosophers and mental programmers. We have to find the pieces to build our puzzle and have the Life Style we and our families deserve.

Let´s begin to automate our way to dreamland. Then, let´s automate the way for us to lead others into achieving their dreams and then, let´s join all successful people into building the Universe we dream about.

Relations is the name of the game. We have to relate with those who know what to do. We have to relate with those who know how to do. We have to relate with those who have done what we want to achieve. Also, we have to relate to those who are desperate and willing to become real success stories for themselves and society.The name of the game is: RELATIONS.

We need to systematize our way to great achievement, in such a way that we get results for us and others. We have to build a system that works and becomes automatic in our everyday living. We have to automate our habits in such a way that we get the results we want over and over again and a system to teach others to build over and over real success stories.

We have to automate our habits of getting results, of being healthy, wealthy, wise and prosperous. We have to automate our habits of feeling calm, happy, healthy, wealthy and prosperous.

Our mind really works, both consciously and on autopilot. Our relations are important to learn from them how they achieved great results and they are also very valuable to show us the living stories that took them from no where to dream land.

Experience is great, provided we are talking about successful experiences. Techniques are great provided we can use them to get what we want out of life and show the way to those dreamers with enough courage to separate from what they are, to get what they dream about.

Breathing is great provided we breath healthy clean, pure air. Relations are great provided they help us to become the success stories we want to be and to teach others what to do and how to do to achieve their own dreams.

Let us automate our thoughts and behaviors into habits that are empowering and success builders. Let us make a habit of accepting only the thoughts and habits that build confidence. Confidence in ourselves and confidence in a world full of opportunities and great people ready to help us become the human beings we want to be and enjoy the Life Style we strive for and deserve.

We have to use the treasure of our conscious mind to build healthy constructive relations. We have to use the treasure of our subconscious mind to select those great men and women who achieved awesome results and are eager to help us achieve our own dreams.

Whatever we want: health. Love, prosperity and abundance, we deserve them. And we deserve to become acquainted and share with those healthy, wealthy and prosperous beings who are real examples of a better universe and are eager to help us find the whats and hows of becoming the real success stories they became.

Relations are great, provided we relate to people with great achievements. Relations are great provided we relate with people who are eager to build the thoughts and habits needed to become real success stories.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Affiliate Marketing And Relations

Affiliate Marketing And Relations

To build good relations we need two outstanding resources: great advice and FREE tools.

It might be obvious that we need products, and outstanding marketing tools. Once we find or develop an awesome product we must find the best marketing tools to present our products or services to avid clients eager to find the best products for them to use or promote and most of all to make money.

Great gurus and Internet marketing experts are online to make money. However, most of those success stories are build on great relations based on confidence, which are build by providing good services, good products and most of all the interactive communication that builds confidence and respect.

Nobody is ashamed of going to the grocery store or to the mall with enough money to buy whatever is needed by them, their families or friends. So, why should we be ashamed of accepting the idea of being online to become great money earners and become rich and even millionaires?

In fact the Internet is the largest mall we could ever dream about. If we are online searching for outstanding opportunities, we must rest assured that we will find plenty. There are so many opportunities that it is mind boggling. In fact, there are so many scams that we must be very careful of those who are online to get our money without a good return in products and/or services.

So, if we are to become successful and stay ahead of trends and developments, we need outstanding products and services backed by those great names who have written the Internet history.

We need relations. Good and respected relations: Mike Filsame, Jason DeVelvis, Tellman Knudson, Russel Brunson, Joe Vitale-Mr fire, Mark Joyner, Cody Moya, Armand Morin, Keneth McArthur, Kevin Wilke, Matt Gill, Harris Fellman, Joel Christopher, Ewin Chia, Craig Perrine, Derrick VanDyck, Alex Mandosian, Mike Kemski, Sebastian Foss, Joel Comm, Patric Chan, to name a few.

I forgot somebody: Jose Damaso Ramon. I am not a guru yet. I strive to get good company and great products and services to help you achieve your dreams. By doing this, I pretend to become happy, healthy and rich.

Stay tunned. Be open minded. Start exploring what is being done by those who are getting awesome results. And awesome results means huge amounts of money in the bank and great plans to stay ahead of the market. No mater where we are. What really maters is where we want to be and who are helping us to get there.

We have heard of people who went from welfare to making $50.000 or more per month. There is somebody who went from surviving with rice and ketchup, to earning huge amounts of money per month.

Click here and search for whatever you want to know about the great masters I named before and go for the stars.

Do not be misled. Follow me and the outstanding results of those of us who dare to dream big and join those who are getting outstanding results.

We are here to stay. So we should follow the idea of serving a glass of water to those thirsty marketers around the net who are eager to drink more and more of the wisdom waters needed to build their business and achieve their dreams.

Let´s join the visionary who have great products, services, internet resources and awesome marketing plans and strategies for us to use and monetize in such a way that our life styles are going to change dramatically for the better.

Why relations are important? Did you read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”? Kiyosaki states in his book, “Look for mentors”. Why? Mentors are very important because they know and show us what really matters. They show us the relevant information we need to achieve success. Of course, we have mentors. They have shown us what was needed to become what we are now. If we are happy with our lot, great. However, if we want a change , if we want a better life style, we need better relations, in fact, we need great mentors who know what to do to become real success stories.

Even though we are a little bit isolated of the world we have seen as the real world, the truth is we need mentors, we need coaches to show us the way to that new world we want to build for us and our families.

Relations are important, because we need to strengthen our character, we need new values, we have to believe in higher levels of achievement.

Something really important to relations is communication and the Internet is a great means for great communications. Just in front of us there are great masters ready to teach us the way to become real success stories. They have been where you are now and they changed a lot to become what they are now. And they are eager to share with us more than we think it is possible.

Great masters know first hand the importance of great communications to build great relations and finally build great fortunes.

They are rich and successful because they understood the best way to become wealthy and prosperous is by having a great list of friends they are eager to help, guide and coach to become the success stories they want to be.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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Technorati Profile

¿Why Should We Earn Money?

¿What would it happen if we do not pay our bills every month?

Earning money is not an end in itself. We want money to pay our bills, to have our dream vacation with that one special being, or with our family. Money is good for buying our dream house or the car we want to share with family, with friends or that sweet being we dream with.In fact it is not a money issue. It is FREEDOM that matters.

We are in business because we have dreams. To achieve our dreams we have to build a successful mindset. Whatever the business we are in we must have a winning attitude.

Hard work is a way of living. However, more than hard work, we have to work smartly. Persistence is great. However we have to persist with the guidance of those who are successful on their own right.

Being on the internet is a way to achieve our dreams. The Internet is a great tool, but we have to be wise on how we use the Internet and all the tools available for us to get results.

And for us to get results we need a system. Even though there must be a scientific formula to become wealthy, there is an easier way than discover the secrets: and that is to follow the leaders. Just duplicate the techniques successful people are using to get great results. And then find your way to do them better.

Great success is hard work plus a success mindset, plus persistence. We have to be persistent because things do not come up right the first time. Even the people who are great achievers, they too, they have their share of losing.

As we have things we like more than others, we have to have into consideration what is it we like must. We have to consider what we feel comfortable doing.

In fact we are better off doing the things we like, so we have to apply the best of us to build our business in such a way that we feel good doing what we do.

We have to follow the leaders, but we have to master our strong qualities to get the most out of our efforts.

We are online to succeed and we want to succeed because we want the best for ourselves and those we love.

We have to earn money. A great deal of money. Not because the money itself but because we want to be happy and give happiness to those we care for. We want to succeed because one way to measure success is by having all those things we enjoy and the things we enjoy with family, friends and loved people in general.

We want to earn money, because we deserve a beautiful house, a great car, good vacations, good health services for us and all those loved ones around us. More than earning money we want to be happy and enjoy a great life style with friends and family.

Money is as good or as bad as the goods we want to get with it. We must accept that we deserve to be happy, and we need a life style where our dreams can be achieved. We need money to build the environment for our family and ourselves to be happy.

Jose Damaso Ramon

If YOUR future is not here, where then?

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Law Of Attraction

The Secret

Modern teachers, philosophers, and motivational thinkers are flocking around the idea behind the film "The secret". Amongst them Bob Proctor - Philosopher, businessman, author of the international bestseller You were born rich who has helped people succeed in areas of mind potential for over 40 years, is traveling the world, teaching people how to apply The Law of Attraction to create lives of prosperity and abundance for themselves.

What is that “new” idea behind “The Secret”?.

Is there something magical and never seen or heard before? Is there a “Secret” never revealed?

Many of us have read Jack Canfield books from his “Chicken soup for the soul” series.

Thanks to a movie the world is “discovering” the law of attraction, which is great, but not enough. In fact, the Law of Attraction explain The Secret to everything. If we are able to learn and apply the Law of Attraction, then we we are on our way to build the Life Style we dream about.

As per Bob Proctor, We all work with one infinite power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we do not have any difficulty building spaceships, we can send people to the moon and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.

Everything that is coming into our life we are attracting into our life. And it's attracted by virtue of the images we're holding in our mind. Whatever is going on in our mind we are attracting to us

For us to use the Law Of Attraction, we must take in consideration what kind of relations we have. Are we in love? What kind of relation is this? What kind of friends we have? How our family communications work? Are we happy with our income? And/Or our work? What kind of business are we in? Are we healthy? What kind of relations with and how we care and relate to our body?

The science of using the Law of attraction was reformulated by Wallace D Wattles in the 1910s and then Napoleon Hill in the 1950s. TODAY Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have taken this Science into a Whole New Era.

Every time we decide what path we take, we are getting results which are formatting our life.

Vikenanda, who lived from 1863 to 1902 states “All the powers of the Universe are already ours. It is we who have put hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark”

Living is more than money. Living is about how we get the FREEDOM to become whatever we want to be.

The Law of Attractions deals with our understanding and acceptance that anything is within the field of our possibility if we desire it strongly enough, believe in it and take action towards getting or achieving what we want or dream about.

How are we reacting to the possibility of having a genie just ready to grant us whatever we ask for? What we would ask for? How many of us have the awareness required to manifest wealth? Why there are 5% who succeed and 95% who do not? In fact, there are millionaires with college degrees and millionaires with little formal education. As per Forbes, they count of 946 billionaires as of 2007, including 179 newcomers to “The Club”.

They are from Argentina, Australia, Bermuda, Austria, Brazil, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt France, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman Philippines, Poland Portugal, Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arb Emirates, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela.

That is, they are from all over the world, different skin colors, cultures and all walks of life.

What makes them different?

Life is about choices. It is our choice to attract or resist wealth from entering our lives. It is our choice to attract abundance, love, happiness, health, friendship. In fact, the choice is not about money. The choice is about FREEDOM. The choice is about claiming the abundance the Universe has already reserved for us.

The Secret, is the movie featuring great writers but most of all is the movie featuring million dollar men who are training people to manifest awesome changes in those of us who are ready to harness the Law Of Attraction to become healthy, wealthy and outstanding achievers. The Secret is about the choice of being a brand new YOU ready to grab all those realities most of us only dreamed about.

Those wealthy people around the world, have something in common. All of them have educated themselves to see opportunities and act on them at once. They have chosen to grab opportunities and squeeze them to get the most out of their potential and power.

There are millionaires who were born rich. However, there are quite a few homeless who learned and used the Law Of Atraction to become real success stories, both online and off. Wealthy people who understand and use the Law Of Attraction, understand that wealth and abundance are their birth right. There are millionaires around the world who understand that abundance is for everyone of us who harness the idea and reality that the Universe has plenty of resources for every one of us and that everyone of us is entitled to be rich.

Humanity must learn to harness the thought process to attract abundance, and help others understand they are entitled to every thing good by understanding and using the Science of Getting Rich.

Wallace Wattles brought to light the Law Of Getting Rich, when in 1910 published his book which inspired the movie “The Secret”. In the 1930s Napoleon Hill took the Law Of Attraction to a new level when he published his book Think and Grow Rich.

It is up to us to choose the path to new heights of achievement and discover The Secret to open the doors of our lives to the genies who are ready to bring us all the riches, health, abundance and well being we are entitled to.

Jose Damaso Ramon

Technorati Profile
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