Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Have you heard about wiki?

Have YOU heard about wiki?

What is wiki?

As per Aurelius Tjin, Wiki is The simplest online database that could possibly work.

Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly.

Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.

Like many simple concepts, "open editing" has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.

21st century has come with new ways to see and use the fastest changing world of interacting on the Internet. The old static way is leaving pace to new interactive websites, and it is very difficult to imagine life without the Internet.

After the Internet bubble burst in 2000 there are many changes and nowadays it is not possible just upload a fancy website with some data and information and expect people to come your way. Even online encyclopedias are interactive.

As you can´t see other users, it implies the need of reciprocal interaction. Nowadays, interaction means the stuff people use to interact with one another.

The new web was born when websites started to separate form from content. The new web is about user generated content. New information can be identified and picked by other readers instantly.

Information is sorted and organized at such speed that it creates unparalleled growth and giving birth to unknown levels of information access. There is a new generation of web-based communities of social networking sites that facilitates collaboration and sharing between users.

The web is becoming more important than ever. There are exciting new applications. The term web 2.0 which is used to refer the new web has more than 80 millions citations on Search Bigdaddy.

Trust is paramount to wiki, as it relies on the assumption that readers have good intentions. As everybody can contribute, trust is the most important thing to wiki, as trusting people and processes is a must for wiki.

Wikipedia is a great example of the new web, as it is the most popular encyclopedia in the world today and its content can be written, edited and modified by users.

Participation among users is encouraged as form and content are separated to facilitate greater participation. A wiki is a website that allows visitors to add, remove and edit content.

Popular websites as MySpace, myLot, Blogger, YouToBe,, Digg, are only examples of sharing, participation and social networking websites.

Advertising and promotion are allowed in websites like MySpace. This feature is very important for musicians, singers, actors, actresses and new entrepreneurs who are using this website to promote themselves.

The new web brought us blogging which revolutionized the way people interact and share information. According to Technorati, blogging has made the online community explode, with readers and blog publishers giving birth to at least two blogs created every second.

Nothing can be more dynamic than this world community of bloggers who are loosely linked, sharing views and information.

Blogging interactivity and other attributes make blogs a cornerstone of the new web. Instant communication is an enhancement of blogs which allows subscribers to have information and updates by using RSS technology which changed the blog dynamics completely.

We are not alone in the blogging world. We can post comments on the blog posts of other bloggers and build relationships.

Internet marketers are using the web 2.0 to increase traffic to merchant accounts and boost sales and profit. It is important to market online, to know what the fastest growing areas in the Internet and how to use them to help build our business.

Web 2.0 knowledge is very important for us to be and stay ahead of the crowd of marketers who are not using this great new web technology..

Social Networking sites are great contribution of wiki to relations and Marketing. Also, blogs, social bookmarking, video sites, podcasting, are taken by many as contributions of web 2.0 to the Internet´s development.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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