Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Time 100 Influencers: The Trendsetters

Time Magazine Influencers And Their Impact
Time 100 influencers is on its way to magazine shelves around the world. Whether these people are really the most influential, is not an issue. They are world leaders in several areas of interest for the world population and they are changing the world for better or worst.

Oprah has been important for a while. However, she became more relevant after she sided with then candidate and now president of the most powerful country in the world.

Mr Obama is a great influencer as his decisions are changing US economy, US politics and how the US is being perceived by world governments and citizens who are following his activities as president of the US and as a world leader.

Oprah might have changed US political culture, and Mr Obama is expected to lead the world out of the economic crisis and into a new level of achievement. Influencers as they are, we have to become influencers to help build a better society and a better social and economic future.

The 100 Time influencers are not alone and there are a lot more who are helping to shape a better future for every citizen of this planet.

Influencers are very important as they create or encourage the creation of trends. Influencers create a viral reaction, as they create reputation transference.

Oprah and Obama are world brands, are names whose brand is being used to market ideas, business, economic and political ideas and propositions which are really viral. Somehow and with different levels, Influencers are creating impact around the world to promote ideas, purposes, images, trends and more.

The Time 100 Influencers are on the spot now, and the world is focusing its attention on 100 influencers who are creating great impact by creating or redirecting the trends which are changing the world. These 100 influencers are 100 brands which are being marketed around the world, creating impact by using the viral power of their brands.

The viral power of the Time Magazine Influencers are brands which marketing around the world is so viral that even unknown or low public image are now on the spot for the world to see them, learn about them and their activities and eventually profit from they image impact.

New relations are created by these 100 marketing phenomenon. The most powerful word of mouth marketing process is under way and a very powerful viral relationship brand marketing process is underway.

Whether we agree with Time Magazine or not something great about influencers is they are controversial, they have high visibility or they create trends on areas which visibility is important for many people.

Leaders, revolutionaries, builders, titans, artists, entertainers, heroes, icons, scientists and thinkers are the world´s most influential people as per Time Magazine.

Web 2.0 technologies have their share, and Twitter is a leading name as Stone Evans, Evan Williams and Jack Dorsay Twitter founders are given the credit for taking this Internet utility to the forefront of online communication, building relations and one of the largest Social Networks in the world.

In fact Twitter is more than instant messaging and has gone beyond social networking to become a communication standard around the world. From the White House and Capitol Hill to school students around the world are using Twitter and have made micro- blogging a real technological revolution.

Stone Evans, Evan Williams and Jack Dorsay are the creator´s of this communication system for family and friends, for business, for emergency situations and much more. Mr. Barack Obama is the one with the largest community of followers on Twitter and it reported Mr Obama is a great fan of Twitter.

Evan Williams had a leading role for another internet revolution: Blogger, which is one of the most popular blogging system under the Google banner. After the Google experience he launched Odeo, which is a podcasting service, in 2004 and was a kind of predecessor for Twitter which was launched in 2006 from a Jack Dorsay idea.

Also, there is a new icon for Americans and for millions around the world. As per Oprah Winfrey, “Michelle Obama doesn't just inspire us. She affirms us with her intelligence, authenticity, depth and compassion.” She is a world personality in her own right. She brings feelings, graciousness and joy to the White House in her multiple roles as First Lady, first Mother and a unique and glamorous woman.

Scientist and thinkers have their share in Time 100. The Internet and the economy also have their share on this 100 list of leaders who are creating impact by becoming the trend setters and the influencers in these troubled times.

Influencers are changing the world and the trends they create might change our lives too. Every drop in the ocean of change adds for a better, healthier and happy world we dream about and have the propelling power to join a planetary community of creative influencers.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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